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My opinion on feeding colorful

Author: Time:2022-02-07111 second

Information summary:  My opinion on feeding colorfulKeeping up for a long time, writing a little emotion.The following I wrote are all the experiences and simple ideas involved in ...., super red arowana baby, Ibaka fish, the fish tan, banja luka.My opinion on feeding colorful

  My opinion on feeding colorfulKeeping up for a long time, writing a little emotion.The following I wrote are all the experiences and simple ideas involved in my coloring.First of all, I will use a simple way to summarize the center of this article: buying color, water, food, temperature.Pay attention to the following points when buying color: First observe the eyes of the fish. Generally speaking, the age of the fish can be estimated from the eyes. The eyes of the fish must be proportional to the body size. The eyes are too large. The fish is small., The cause may be small malnutrition, long-term illness, or endoparasites.How to tell if the fishs eyes are too big?Generally, looking at the ridge line where the fisheye is located, fisheye occupies a quarter of the entire ridgeline is the best growth period, and the first point is considered qualified.The second thing is to observe the body shape. The reason why the colorful is beautiful is because of the fishs sleek shape, and the fish body is elongated. This body shape is called the mango type. The reason is that the merchants deliberately meaned, causing the fish to not survive normalIn the environment, it is difficult to cultivate a full and round body shape in the future. The colorful body shape is based on the middle body. The round colorful belly is fuller. Only the good colorful body shape will have a pleasing body color.With morphology.The third is to see if the fins and body are damaged. The damaged color is relatively timid, and the fish attacked and collided with their nerves, so some friends found that the fish always hid in the corner after they bought it.Generally, they are relatively thin, but they do not expose their bones thinly. Such fish usually have severe parasites or late parasites, so even if they are treated further, it is difficult to save. Healthy fish generally have chasing phenomenon and are burdensome.It can bully other fish in the fish tank, and there is a phenomenon of feeding. The body color is also normal. The uncolored hair has colorful lines. The colorful lines must be arranged neatly, and there must be no cross phenomenon. Then the color will be bright.Water quality: In short, it is powerful filtration and frequent water changes. Daily water quality work is very important.Water quality test: feeding colorful should observe the changes of water quality pH value, nitrite and other indicators at any time, especially the pH value.Theoretically speaking, the suitable pH value of colorful angelfish is 6.0~6.Between 5.Food articles: Second, colorful food: 1. Live Erbium: with a large number of pathogens and parasites. After entering the aquatic tank, these uninvited guests will quickly multiply and grow in the tropical environment of your aquarium.Such as hydra, and algae spores.2. Frozen food: This food form can be used as supplementary nutrition, especially those quick-frozen live baits with appropriate vitamins.However, the premise is that the processing of quick-frozen live bait is reassuring, and the freezing or fouling cannot be interrupted halfway.But this is precisely what many fish merchants cant do. Bacteria grow in both the freezer compartment and the refrigerator compartment in the refrigerator.There are bacteria in food, mostly mesophilic bacteria.In the low temperature of the refrigerator, it will only be suppressed and not killed.Only the growth rate is slow.Studies have shown that psychrophilic bacteria will grow rapidly under suitable low temperature environment.For example, a kind of "Yersinia" bacteria not only will not be inhibited under the low temperature environment of refrigerators, but also its pathogenic ability will be obviously enhanced under low temperature environment cultivation. When a certain amount of Yersinia bacteria is ingested, Can cause illness.Yersinia bacteria can cause gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea, which is more serious than common enteritis and diarrhea.So frozen burgers and bloodworms are dangerous.Especially food that is stored for a long time and eaten directly.For safety, I also gave up. 3. Burger: Many friends like to feed their own freshly made colorful burgers. They think that it can increase the nutrition and benefit the growth needs of colorful fairy. You can also add various vitamins and nutrients as you like while making burgers.Indeed, Hamburg has many advantages, but its shortcomings can not be ignored-it should not be stored for a long time, and because of the high nutrient content, it is easy to rot in the water and deteriorate the water quality.Therefore, when feeding colorful, everyone should choose the right food according to their actual situation.4 pellet feed: conducive to colorful food, one bite per bit, will not be scattered.Disadvantages: easy to be scattered in the bottom sand of the water tank.Solution: I use a submersible pump. Isolate an 8*8 cm square around the submersible pump as a feeding area, so that 80% of the pellet feed will fall in this place, which can initially solve this problem.The second method: when feeding bait, insert a tube into the water and pour the feed from the tube, which can solve all problems. (2) Thin slice feed: its structure is more compact and its unit weight is higher.Its structure is stable in water and it is not easy to disintegrate, but it will expand slightly and become soft after being immersed in water, but it still maintains its original shape, can float on the water surface, and is not easy to melt. It becomes suitable for colorful eating when it is submerged in water.It can be easily eaten.I think it is more suitable for aquatic tanks than pellet feed. (3) Medicinal feed: it can play a role in eliminating parasites in the body, and can be fed two days a month to achieve the effect of deworming the body. (4) Color-increasing feed: I like the color of the color. The color of the color after coloring always seems not very comfortable, so I dont need it. I believe that the above feeds are used as meticulous and meticulous fishermen, or hamburgers, blood worms, and brine shrimp are used for feeding in stages, so as not to make food simple.Everyone encounters thorny problems on the road of playing fish, you can also consult me at any time

  =(Comments on alliance SianLon Arowana Aquatic friends)=

  Zoran Say: learned
YuyouSwim all day long Say: Pygocentrus Nattereri(红肚水虎鱼)分布:亚马逊河 内格罗河 库亚巴河 布兰科河 普图马约河 亚瓦里河 茹鲁瓦河 马德拉河 塔帕若斯河 兴古河 托坎廷斯河 帕拉奈巴河 巴拉圭河 巴拉那河体长:由于分布很广,红腹的体型变化也很大最大25到30左右饲养建议:10条以上形成一个小群体 红腹和黑斑是The two most common and widely distributed water tigers are the piranhas.红腹相对来说价格比较实惠一些,也比较能让人接受红腹的饲养有很多鱼友被JS欺骗买到白鲳,其实从外观上很容易发现红肚和百鲳的区别 最简单的方法吃颗粒料的就是白鲳 成熟的食人鱼雌雄外观相似,具鲜绿色的背部和鲜红色的腹部,体侧有斑纹。The two jaws are short and strong, the lower jaw is protruding, the teeth are triangular and sharp, and they are staggered up and down.The tail is black and white PH: 6.8(弱酸性 ) (最好在水中放一些沉木可以软化水质)对水质需求不大但是 水质不好会影响进食 弱酸性水质即可饲育良好适宜温度:22~28℃(最好在26度到28度之间有利鱼的进食成长和繁殖)(喂食多样化比较好一些推荐 鱿鱼 泥鳅 牛心 活鱼等) 红腹从小鱼到成年(繁殖能力成熟)一般需要16到18个月 母鱼一般长的要比公鱼大一些 颜色深一些)灯光相对来说没有太大的需求,红腹 很皮实 相对来说很好养应该来说,青壮年的红腹一般只会死于没有互咬、In addition to power outages, heating rod failure, water temperature drop, etc., there are very few cases of illness and death, and minor injuries such as a bite of meat are generally recovered without treatment.The difficulty of super-resilience polyculture is also very low. Generally, as long as you are not hungry and the space is not too narrow, there is enough activity space, and there is not much chance of biting and dying.一米的鱼缸可以养6条左右成年红腹最常见的疾病:白点病 一般都是水的温差幅度过大和喂食饲料鱼而引起 建议控制好水的温度 定期适量的加入粗盐水霉病 最容易得的病 因为红腹相互撕咬的时候比较多 受伤也比较多 食物残留过多没有及时清理经常会因为水质问题等原因得上此病其他一些疾病相对来说很少的情况会发生在红腹身上红腹的繁殖从小一起混养的红腹繁殖几率大一些,成年后再放到一起混养的 有很高几率护咬,需要更长的时间来磨合。在自然界中红肚的繁殖期为每年的4-5月份,这时候是亚马逊流域的雨季,但是相对在鱼缸中繁殖季节相对要晚一些 6月7月才开始繁殖的也有在鱼缸中繁殖的最多The water tiger is red belly.From the online information and the experience of fish friends, the conditions for successful breeding of red belly are different, there are naked tanks, there are bottom sand, etc. To sum up, red belly water tigers reach sexual maturity in about 18 months and can be bred in one yearrepeatedly.Note (sometimes red bellies will bite aquatic plants) The temperature of breeding water is about 28 ℃) due to fierce habits.建议设繁殖缸对鱼好控制一些繁殖前可在缸底铺一层金丝草或棕榈丝 适合鱼卵粘附 放细沙(因为母鱼在产卵前会琢食少量沙子)(成品的鱼The nest is relatively poor), the broodstock is placed in a 1:1 ratio of male to male, and after a day of chasing, it can produce a mottled, palmy nature.After spawning, broodstock should be removed in time to avoid egg feeding.Each pair of broodstock spawns 300-600 eggs at a time. The fertilized eggs can hatch after 48 hours, and the larvae can swim and feed after 48 hours to 72 hours. 幼鱼喂食:建议3天后开始少量喂食 之前小鱼会吃他们退下的胎衣 和 吸收体内的蛋黄素 营养充足(加热棒一定要用塑料隔离网隔离以免将幼鱼烫伤 水温相对要稳定 (比较来说红腹生命力超强 但是毕竟现在还只是幼鱼很脆弱 需要精心呵护)红虫 线蛇 丰年虾卵 也可以少量的蛋黄水(注意蛋黄水要少量不然很容易引起水质变坏死鱼)大约生长到5厘米左右就可以喂食少量活食了 红腹小时候一般是银灰色,身上有许多斑点,直到10多CM时才慢慢褪去,成年后一般颜色会慢慢变黑(感觉变的难看了)(But if reared well, it seems to be able to maintain a bright red), especially during the breeding period, the body is black and purple.After understanding that the longest red belly of aquarists is 8 years, maybe it can live longer.Everyone encounters difficult problems on the road of playing fish, you can also consult me at any time kang5541
Yuyou 15641981369 Say: Colorful is particularly afraid of people and sounds?
Yuyou 15641981369 Say: kang5541 Is this Kazakhstan?Colorful fish are particularly afraid of people and sounds?
Yuyou lazy man Say: Good dragon
Yuyou zp850621 Say: Colorful is easy to feed, but difficult to feed well.
Guan Yu Say: Learn
Guan Yu Say: Learn
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