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Sandakan Mitra Reds- after 2 weeks of tanning

+60 12 335 1568

Sandakan Mitra Reds- after 2 weeks of tanning


Mitra Reds- after 2 weeks of tanning

Dear All,
Among the 10 or so Mitra Reds subjected to tanning, these 4 fishes have displayed good cheek and rim colour the earliest, merely in 2 weeks. So, sharing with you all, these 4 Mitra Reds of better quality. This could well be our last shipment from Mitra, so grab them if you are keen on owning a Higher Body Longer Pectoral Mitra Red.
And as these Mitras are imported at 8-9 inches 4 months earlier, their prices are much lower than say, the Cahaya Reds, which are imported at 14-16 inches and tanned lightly by the Indonesian farm. We are therefore pricing these Mitra Reds, even after two weeks of tanning, at a reasonable S$10XX each, nett price. Hence, this is a very Good deal indeed, so must grab them fast if you can!
Once again, heres wishing one all A Happy Chinese New Year of the Goat.
Mrs Goh
Fish no. 1 with slight Spoon Head, High body and Longer pectoral fins. Rims are obvious but not captured well enough in this picture, apologies.
Fish no. 2 with more profound Spoon Head, High body and Longer pectoral fins. Well, at least its rim colours can be seen in this picture - phew!
Fish no. 3 is much like no. 4 with an obvious Spoon Head, High Body and Longer pectoral fins, too.
Fish no. 4 is the best performer of them all - Much longer Pectoral fins and very well defined rim colour and cheeck colour, and thus should be priced higher but due to its slight droppy left eye, it will however be priced at S$9XX only. Trivandrum Aquarium

recommendation / HOT PRODUCT