Sandakan arowana lightFattail Leos
arowana lightFattail Leos
Jus for sharing...???? ????Fattail....white out/Super white out/Star burst...
Leos.... Bell Bold stripes...

2 more....
>Wow ... thank you so much for sharing bro M999. I gotten poison again. They are so lovely, and colors so striking and attractive.
They are not sander right? Another variety of dry-land lizards??? Caring should be easy. Are they expensive??? Pardon me for lots of questions.
But cannot play near an aros tank; once dropped inside the tank .... gone!
>Cool. Gecko? They move very slow? Last time my fren also have.
>Yup fat tail geckos and leopard geckos not sanders. slow moving.. and many Colour morphs...
>i remember is very colourful. can breed also. i think is lay eggs.
>Awesome collections, TFS.
>I’m confused
What’s this?
Squirrel or???
What fish%
How to raise devil swordfish@
Tiger fish price$
What fish is suitable for 60cm bare tank&
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What kind of fish are raised in a 1 meter bare tank^
Ingot Phoenix fish life is several years" Kuala Selangor Aquarium,